Wednesday, November 30, 2011

24. Deb Morrison

It wouldn't be right to wrap up this blog without giving a nod to one of our greatest speakers, Deb Morrison. 

This was my first class with Deb, I have taken several courses with her other half Dan so I had an idea of what to expect.  Thankfully she wasn't anything like the wicked witch of the west or a fire breathing dragon.

Thanks to this class I now have my own philosophy on brand thinking.  Who takes a ten week class and comes out the other side with a freaking PHILOSOPHY? It's pretty great. 

This class had so many takeaways, a few of which you can see in my posts about individual speakers but in order to feel as though this blog is complete, the Morrisonian theories and sayings should be documented. 

I want to look back at this blog and remember a few of those motivational sayings that Deb shouted at us this term. 
1.       Do Shit! Thank you for this one Deb.  It’s so basic, but so true.  Get off your lazy ass and do something.  When a person does shit! they end up being…

2.       Be Interesting and Interested.  Do shit! Make stuff! and be interesting.  You have to be creative, you have to be informed in order to accomplish this one.  It’s this one that helps get jobs.

3.       Be Genuine.  In order to be successful in this industry you have to be true and honest.  Faking it won’t get you far, you have to be genuinely in it, be present and really, truly love what you are creating.

4.       Do Good. Give back; make the world a better place.  This is a big one.  By declaring this major and becoming a part of this industry you are signing up to contribute to making the world a better place.  We are the ones that get to continue this mission.  It’s not all about making big bucks and getting ahead; the point of advertising should be about working toward a greater good and really making a difference.

There are so many more, I know I’m forgetting a ton of them.  I still have a couple terms to go so this blog post is a work in progress, this list will be longer by the time I graduate. 

Deb’s passion and commitment to this university is an inspiration to all of us.  I just hope that the future creative straters get the chance to see Deb make the donuts for many terms to come. 

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