Tuesday, November 29, 2011

17. The UO Brand

In light of the controversy surrounding the termination of President Lariviere I would like to take a minute to look into his philosophy of "Brand Thinking" in regards to the UO.

Yes, I know, many people feel that the UO should not be thought of as a brand (Hssssss! from all you ad outsiders) but this is what makes sense to me.  And I feel that it makes sense to a whole slew of other people too.

What really makes a brand?

A brand is defined by 5 things
     1. It's relationships
     2. It's actions and purposes
     3. The way it lives within the world
     4. It's good business practices
     5. It's way of growing opportunities

How does the UO fit into these 5 things?

    1. The University of Oregon has a unique relationship.  A relationship with its faculty, staff and students that differentiates it from other Oregon schools.  In fact, each school within the Oregon University System is different and has cultivated different relationships, and that is why each school appeals to a different population, and that is wonderful. Choice is wonderful.

     2. The University of Oregon's actions and purpose is to be the flagship university of the state of Oregon.  We are a leader in research and innovation and our actions and the rational behind them should always reflect this.

     3. The University of Oregon lives in the world as a place to seek knowledge, to find amazing faculty mentors, to foster amazing ideas through cutting edge research.  Our place is as a leader in forward thinking.

     4. The University of Oregon's good business practices are rooted in retaining great faculty, keeping tuition costs affordable and showing the community that we are an institution that leads rather than follows.  It's the job of this University to be ground breaking in ways that reach far beyond our research or our sports records.  We practice good business by thinking outside the box on all fronts.

     5. Our way of growing opportunities, we are on that path, and despite this set back we can stay on that path.  Growing opportunities for the UO community is only done by challenging the status quo.  Great change and great opportunity never come to those who are not willing to take the risk and be bold.

We just have to think outside the box.  And when the board of education is literally working as hard as they can to stuff the UO and all 6 other unique OUS universities into the same little box that is tough.

So people, what do we do?

First and foremost we have to refrain from focusing only on President Lariviere's termination.  Yes, that was a low blow and it sucks but as the President himself says

"I am humbled by your support, but your cause should not be my employment status. Your cause must be how Oregonians will be educated.Your cause must be how institutions like the University of Oregon can be strong in a state with weak public resources"

 In light of that I think that it is time that we rise up collectively, as an informed and passionate group and shout out that our UO brand is unique and amazing.  We deserve to  be given the opportunity to stand outside that box.


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