Wednesday, November 30, 2011

20. Tracy Wong

Tracy Wong from Wong Doody Crandall Wiener also came in to visit us, another UO alum and a really wonderful speaker.  He rolled into class with a black zip up hoodie and thick rim glasses; he looked like he was maybe 24.  I never would have guessed that he was one of the founders of an agencies that I have at the top of  my short list. But as we found out, it’s Doody’s job to be the straight laced one.
I started out taking good old fashion notes, but once he shouted out “Ill be dropping some wisdom on your ass!” I felt like this would be a great way to take notes instead:

He made some amazing points, and if anyone was paying attention to them they will end up sticking around in the industry a hell of a lot longer than if they didn’t.
1.       EGO blocks opportunity.  It gets in the way, makes people think you are a stuck up ass and in general, just doesn’t do much good so leave it at the door.

2.       Great ideas are 99% strategy.  Holy shit! Deb’s right so pay attention in this class.

3.       Your ears are your greatest weapon. Listen and learn from the people around you, and especially from your client.

4.       Embrace Compromise.  Accept the clients needs and be willing to bend a little when it comes to your ideas.  Your ideas are your babies, but nobody else feels that way about them.

5.       Engage in the DEMOCRACY OF GOOD IDEAS. What a great way to say be involved in creating great things. It’s so good in fact, wouldn’t that make a good book title?

6.       Love your client’s dog.  Whatever you do, always be sure to build a relationship with your client.  Creating trust is what will lessen their fears and make them love you back. This all adds up to return clients and more dough for you and your agency.  Plus it feels good to be a trustworthy person.
I enjoyed this guy so much and thought those notes turned out pretty great so I sent him a thankyou note written out on the back of them.  I thanked him for being such a great inspiration, and for making me a little more wise.  He totally succeeded in dropping some wisdom on my ass. 

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