Wednesday, October 26, 2011

6. People creating beautiful things

Inspiration comes from a great many places.  Here are just a few of the great things I have stumbled upon in just one day.  They are an inspiration and a reminder that making things and doing stuff not only shows that you are inspired, but turns you into an inspiration for others. 

Talk about mastering your craft...

Getting it all out can be frustrating, this is such a great visual...

This is really funny and a clever mash up of old and new...

Searching for inspiration when you feel like it's all too much (see image above), can really help get your head right.  After taking some time to look at great things, laugh at funny clips, listen to good music and tune out the noise of day to day life, I feel much more prepared to tackle the big things.  Time to do stuff, make things and be great!

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