Wednesday, October 12, 2011

2. Dedicated Planner Seeks Hard Working Creative

It's time to get working on a group project for Creative Strategist, and I am currently without a group.  Is anyone looking for a media planner with a love of design and knowledge of the Adobe Suite?

I like long walks on the beach and a nice glass of red wine...sorry, I had to throw that in here.  But seriously, I have skills to bring to the table and I'm ready to get started on this.  Below is a short list of things you may want to know.

I have an excellent ability to meet deadlines and keep a group on task.  I am a planner and an organizer by nature and work daily in a job that requires those skills.

I love the creative side and have always wanted to work in that area, but found that planning is a better fit for me.  That said, I do work well in Final Cut, Flash, Illustrator and InDesign.  My first dream was to be a writer, so I am more than willing to put in my ideas in this area as well.

I love working in small groups and tackling projects as a team.  I pull my own weight and am more than ready to stay up late, do the research and work my ass of to produce somthing that I am proud of. 

I am ready to get started on this as soon as possible. Please contact me if you would like to work together.

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