Tuesday, October 25, 2011

5. Car Alarms and Advertising

What do car alarms and advertising have in common you ask? Well, one very important commonality is that about 99% of the population is doesn't care about either of them.  Recently changing my major from psychology to advertising has made me much more aware of the ad world, but car alarms...alas, not so much. 

Much to my dismay my car was burgled on Monday night.  And yes, my car alarm went off (right in front of my house!) and I didn't even notice.  Well, maybe I did notice and I probably thought, or even said out loud something like "That freaking alarm is so annoying, wish those neighbors would get a handle on that (insert expletive here)"

After I had calmed down the next morning, cleaned up the glass and mourned the loss of all of my school books, and a slew of other valuable electronic devices I decided to refocus and think about how I could spin this into something good.  I teachable moment, me teaching myself how to take something so unbelievably crappy and turn it into something good.  So, I started reading about ad desensitizing and how to combat it.  I also started looking into things like The Club, and this handy little car accessory, but I digress. Let's get back on track.

People don't care about ads anymore.

Do you remember that one ad from the Police Department that said "Call us if your being robbed, we will save you, we have guns and training and we keep people safe for a living"

No? That's because they never had to advertise.  Everyone knows that the police are here to keep the community safe.  We are emotionally invested in our personal well being and therefore we connect to the police department.  We know what they do and we CARE about it.  Most businesses aren't going to save you from a life threatening ordeal, so people really just don't have a reason to care.

The teachable moment here is this: The goal is not to simply break into your target audience's car.  Break into their car, once they start freaking out about all the stuff they lost then tell them how great your anti-theft device is.  Brand strategy is all about giving them a reason to care about what you have to offer.

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